Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mosiah 21: Change of heart by degrees

 "And now the Lord was slow to hear their cry because of their iniquities; nevertheless the Lord did hear their cries, and began to soften the hearts of the Lamanites that they began to ease their burdens; yet the Lord did not see fit to deliver them out of bondage. And it came to pass that they began to prosper by degrees in the land, and began to raise grain more abundantly, and flocks, and herds, that they did not suffer with hunger" (Mosiah 21:15-16).

Although the Lord was slow to answer the prayers of King Lemhi’s people, He answered them. He softened the Lamanites’ hearts enough to stop them from going to battle, but not enough to deliver king Lemhi’s people from captivity. Rather they were delivered by degrees. All while being in bondage they were blessed with lighter burdens and they prospered so much that they could raise enough food to both pay the heavy taxes and feed all their people. In verses 24 and 28 King Limhi rejoices even though he and his people are still in bondage.

Prospering by degrees is so simple it can be easy to overlook because I am too caught up looking forward to being delivered from bondage or life’s challenges. When in reality it is possible, through the strength of the Lord, to enjoy most, if not all, the blessing of a free person while in the mists of over whelming struggles. After all King Lemhi’s flocks and fields prospered and provided enough for everyone. They also rejoiced, received an ancient record and Alma found them. Each degree of prosperity was an opportunity to see the grace of God in their lives. The importance of seeing the small tender mercies is found in verses 6 and 35. Each verse explains the condition of the people’s hearts as expressed by their desires.

"…and they began to be desirous to go against [the Lamanites] to battle. And they did afflict the king sorely with their complaints; therefore he granted unto them that they should do according to their desires" (v. 6)

 "They were desirous to be baptized as a witness and a testimony that they were willing to serve God with all their hearts" (v. 35).

Gradually seeing the small things that came through the strength of the Lord changed their hearts from a contentious war seeking people to humble submissive people with at heart willing to make a covenant with God. Shortly after this change of heart the people were delivered from the Lamanites.  

The Lord kept them in bondage only as long as it took for their heats to change. He knew that if the people would have been delivered from the Lamanites any sooner they would have remained in captivity even while being physically free. Covenants not circumstances bring freedom.

As I seek to see the strength of the Lord in my life by degrees, rather than focusing on being delivered all at once, I have seen an increase of joy, an increase measure of faith, and my present challenges have become lighter as my heart changes.


  1. Good to see you blogging Ryan!
    My thoughts while reading: Being grateful for the good in life rather than mourning for every thing that isn't how we want is one of those keys to happiness.

    I'm not much of a blog reader but I look forward to upcoming posts!

  2. Thanks John, I think gratitude is a rather powerful principle.
