Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Alma 4: Active in the Church but Not Active in the Gospel

After being afflicted by several battles the people of Alma believed the judgments of God had come upon them, a belief that awakened them to a remembrance of their duty and led to 3,500 baptisms. Yet, members of the church began to wax proud and ware costly apparel because they prospered in the strength of the Lord. Their hearts being set upon the vain things of the world became scornful towards each other. They persecuted those who had different beliefs. The members of the church become more prideful than those who did not belong to the church. They set bad examples, despised others and turned their backs on the needy. in short they were active in the church but not the gospel.

In contrast those who were righteous abased themselves and succored those who were in need, they imparted what they had to the poor and needy, and suffered all manner of afflictions while looking forward to the coming of Christ and retaining a remission of sins. Their understanding of the plan gave them great joy the knowledge of deliverance

Juxtaposing the prideful with the righteous further illustrates the need to ensure personal beliefs and duties align with the will of the Lord. Being a covenant people is necessary but not sufficient for salvation. The prideful members become a stumbling block to the church because the turn the things of the world for comfort rather than their covenants. The righteous looking forward to promised blessings experienced great joy even while submitted to afflictions. Once again, seeing how the individual treats others is a good indication of the hearts condition, or activity in the gospel.

Alma, seeing the wickedness of the church, set aside the judgment seat, or the things of the world, to focus on others by preaching the word to his people. He wanted to stir them up to the same remembrance of duty that brought them to the waters of baptism. The Lord strengthens those who strive to do His duty. Alma went and testified to his people know that only the power of the word could reengage his people in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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