Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Frustration Becomes Joy in the Strength of the Lord

Commenting on my scripture study  March 3, 2013 when I was in Chicago for Feniah’s baby blessing.
·         While reading Alma chapter 11, all the verses about money and staying out of debt stood out. 

  • Verse 2 encouraged me to get and stay out of debt.

  • ·         Verse 20 explains that the lawyers who withstood Alma and Amulek were seeking to get gain. They would stir up the people to get money from the suites brought before them.

  • ·         Verses 21-22 Zeezrom tries to pay for Alma and Amulek to deny their testimonies. Amulek responds with: O thou child of hell, why tempt ye me? Knowest thou that the righteous yeldeth to no such temptations? Belivest thou that there is no God? I say unto you there is a God, but thou lovest the lucre more than him."

Zeezerum was a child of hell because he loved money more than God.
My scripture study concluded with these thoughts. I closed the book thinking my insights were a little out of place.

Later that evening, I started to look up my flight information, a search that did not end happily. Unable to find my flight on the airlines web page, I called customer service. The agent explained that my reservations were canceled because I purchased a round trip ticked and did not catch the initial flight. I was in Chicago without a way to get to my 2pm flight the next day in Denver for Salt Lake City. I had no other option but to purchase a ticket less than 24 hours before takeoff.
I could feel my anger raising as I thought about spending money that I did not have to spend.  While explaining the situation and venting to Joe, my brother, my thoughts turned to my scripture study. Where was my heart focused? Where was my trust? I could see parts of Zeezerm in me. I realized the Lord will provide for me even if it means a balance on my credit card for a couple months. I don’t know how, but he will provide for me even while I am in debt, or captivity like lemhi’s people. I will be delivered by degrees as I strive to pay off the ticket. With these thoughts my anger melted to calmness, and I was able to enjoy the short time I had with my family.    
I am grateful I have a Father in Heaven who knows me and loves me. Who prepares me for challenges I cannot see. For it is truly in the strength of the Lord that I find the ability to set aside anger and rejoice with family. Man are that they might have joy!

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