Sunday, March 31, 2013

Alma 32 Looking Forward With an Eye of Faith

“And thus, if ye will not nourish the word, looking forward with an eye of faith to the fruit thereof, ye can never pluck of the fruit of the tree of life” (v40).

Looking forward with an eye of faith to the fruit, or promised blessings, of my faith. Faith is primarily concerned with the condition of my heart. Am I brought to a lowliness of heart? Is my heart humble enough to learn wisdom? Is my heart teachable? The Lord can compel me to repent and become humble, but it is greater to choose to believe on His word and truly humble myself. I will set aside my own stubbornness of heart to receive the light an joy of His word.

Since faith is not a perfect knowledge of things, it implies a certain degree of uncertainty that directs the believer to God. The believer turns to God because they cannot trust in their own uncertain strength. They can only hope in things that are promised and are true. (Rather than using hope as a wishful thinking, I am using it as an assurance affirmed by the Holy Ghost that the Lord will fulfill his promises.) For, God is merciful to all who believe on his name.

So now, what does it mean to have faith? What is done with uncertain knowledge? The answer is explained from Alma 32: 26-43. While exercising, or acting upon, faith is vital; it is not the first step in the learning process. Actions must be performed with a humble and willing heart believing in the truthfulness of the promised blessing. Testing truth starts with the believers desires, a desire to believe in the suggested truthfulness of the word of God independent of the word’s source or controversial topics, such as Proposition 8 in California. With the slightest desire to believe action will gain power as the actor looks forward, past the uncertainty, with an eye of faith to the promised blessings. If the initial belief is of God then it will increase and enlighten the individual, a process that creates a positive feedback loop by softening that heart to receive more truth.

Therefore learning weather or not something is of God is a simple but powerful process that requires uncertainty, as suggested by the following steps:

1.      Approach uncertainty with a humble and willing heart
2.      Desire to believe truth about the uncertainty
3.      Set aside the scientific skepticism and replace it with a hope or assurance inherent in truth
4.      Act in this assurance judging whether or not the initial uncertainty increases in goodness and edifies the believer
5.      If the initial belief is true, than acting will soften the believer’s heart bring them closer to God
a.       Note: there are two components to this kind of truth. First the believer must truly approach the issue at hand with real intent. Secondly the issue at hand must actually be true. Meeting both conditions brings the fruits of truth, such as a changed heart.
6.      Faith now becomes a perfect knowledge and uncertainty become certain.

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