Sunday, April 14, 2013

Alma 41:3-6 A Look at the Imperfections of Mortality

As I pondered these verses I realized that a restoration of happiness meant happiness in this life. The spirit will be restored to a perfect body. Mortal bodies give great reason to not be happy. The biological factors that make one prone to depression, addiction, or any other mental disorder will be corrected, which will make for quit the adjustment if I let my biology dictate my desires. Having a perfect healthy body with desires of depression will make for an interesting combination. Will the next life have a new array of somatoform disorders? However, if in this life, even with genetics stacked against happiness, I learn to choose to desire happiness and rejoice in the Lord’s promises, how much better off will I be? Learning to choose happiness with the odds stacked against me will act just like a runner’s drag suit. When the resurrection removes the challenges, I will be left with my strong desires to be happy and a body capable of fulfilling those desires.

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